Jun 29 2012

Pie Charts with jqPlot JavaScript Charting Library

It’s incredibly easy to generate great looking pie charts with jqPlot. jqPlot is a jQuery plugin that can be use to generate pure HTML5 charts. Create pie charts in jqPlot is as easy as it is to create bar charts, the only difference is how we pack the data.

Getting Started
The code snippets for this example assume you have already downloaded jqPlot and have included the following JavaScript and CSS source files from the distribution.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.css" />
<script src="jqplot/jquery.min.js" ></script>
<script src="jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.js" ></script>    
<script src="jqplot/plugins/jqplot.pieRenderer.min.js"></script>

The jqPlot graphs are drawn on a div tag and this example will require the following HTML snippet.

<body onload='drawChart()'>
   <div id="chartDivId" style="margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; width:600px; height:300px;"></div>

Pie Chart Data
A single slice of a pie chart is stored in a two element array where the first elemnt contains the string label and the second element stores the slice data value. A single pie series is made up of one ore more slices, and a pie chart may have one or more series. The typical pie chart is made up of one series, but there are some charts that can allow for multiple pie series.

function drawChart() {
  var slice_1 = ['North America', 150];
  var slice_2 = ['Europe', 50];
  var series = [slice_1, slice_2];
  var data = [series];

  var options = {
    title: 'Sales by Region',
    seriesDefaults: {
      renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer
    legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }
  $.jqplot('chartDivId', data, options);

jqPlot will all compute the percent for each slice based on it’s value, so the slice for North America will be 75%, and Europe will be 25% for the the values 150 and 50, respectively. The pie chart generated from the above code will be simple and undecorated.

jqPlot Pie Chart

jqPlot Pie Chart

We can add additional options, for example, maybe we want to display the percent amount for each slice. To do so, we can update the options object with the showDataLabels property such as the in the following JavaScript code snippet.

var options = {
  title: 'Sales by Region',
  seriesDefaults: {
    renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
    rendererOptions: {
      showDataLabels: true
  legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }

By default, the showDataLabels property shows the percent of the slice. To show the slice data value, rather than the percent, set the dataLabels property to ‘value’ such as the following code.

var options = {
  title: 'Sales by Region',
  seriesDefaults: {
    renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
    rendererOptions: {
      showDataLabels: true,
      dataLabels: 'value'
  legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }

You can further change how the pie chart is rendered by setting the fill, sliceMargin, and lineWith rendererOptions object properties. The fill property accepts a boolean value, and you can specify the sliceMargin and lineWith with an interger value. You can also specify the angle from which to start with the startAngle property. Putting all this together, you can create a pie chart like the following.

var options = {
  title: 'Sales by Region',
  seriesDefaults: {
    renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
    rendererOptions: {
      showDataLabels: true,
      dataLabels: 'value',
      fill: false,
      sliceMargin: 5,
      lineWidth: 5,
      startAngle: 45
  legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }
jqPlot_Pie_Chart with No Fill

jqPlot_Pie_Chart with No Fill

Donut Chart
Using the same data and same options object, you can render a pie chart as a donut. To display a donut chart you will need to load int the jqPlot donut renderer.

<script src="jqplot/plugins/jqplot.donutRenderer.min.js"></script>

Once you have loaded the donut renderer, just update the render property in the options object.

var options = {
  title: 'Sales by Region',
  seriesDefaults: {
    renderer: jQuery.jqplot.DonutRenderer,
    rendererOptions: {
      showDataLabels: true,
      dataLabels: 'value',
      fill: false,
      sliceMargin: 5,
      startAngle: 45
  legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }
jqPlot Donut Chart

jqPlot Donut Chart

Jun 27 2012

Using JavaScript Charting Library jqPlot with Bar Charts

jqPlot is a plugin for the jQuery JavaScript framework used to generate awesome looking charts and graphs. Even though it has a lot of features and supports many chart types it is incredibly easy to use. To create a simple chart you will use will use something like the following template.

$.jqplot(divId, dataArray, optionsObject);

In the above example, divId is the String object containing the name of the div on which to draw the chart. The dataArray variable will hold the data for the chart and the optionsObject will have configuration properties used to display the chart.

Getting Started
To get started with jqPlot, you will need to download the latest release. Because jqPlot offers a wide selection of chart types, it is broken down into different JavaScript files. You’ll only need to load the JavaScript files for the chart type you will be working with. For example, to display a bar chart you will need to include the following JavaScript source files.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.css" />
<script src="jqplot/jquery.min.js" ></script>
<script src="jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.js" ></script>    
<script src="jqplot/plugins/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js"></script>
<script src="jqplot/plugins/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js"></script>

For the purpose of this tutorial, assume that I have a div tag that will be used to draw the chart when the the page loads. On the page load event, a JavaScript function will fire which has the jqPlot code to draw the chart. Here is an example of the what the div tag looks.

<body onload='drawChart()'>
   <div id="chartDivId" style="margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; width:400px; height:300px;"></div>

The following code for drawChart will hard code the values for a bar chart with three series for Jan, Feb, and Mar. This could be used to track the sales of three different items over that month or other similar data. Here is the jqPlot JavaScript code to draw a bar chart inside the chartDivId div.

function drawChart() {
  var s1 = [2, 6, 7];
  var s2 = [7, 5, 3];
  var s3 = [2, 3, 5];
  var s4 = [1, 7, 2];
  // chart data
  var dataArray = [s1, s2, s3, 24];
  // x-axis ticks
  var ticks = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar'];
  // chart rendering options
  var options = {
    seriesDefaults: {
    axes: {
      xaxis: {
        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
        ticks: ticks

  // draw the chart
  $.jqplot('chartDivId', dataArray, options);

For a bar chart, the chart data is an array of nested arrays holding the values each tick along the x-axis. In the above example, we are tracking three points along the x-axis so our we have three data points for each series. The options object is used to configure how the rendering of the chart, it specifies that this should be a bar chart and sets the x-axis.

jqPlot Bar Graph

jqPlot Bar Graph

jqPlot Bar Chart Options
We can easily change this from a bar chart to a bar stacking chart by adding one property to the the options object (stackSeries: true). By adding one line of code we can drastically change the chart we generate. Another options you may want to set is the title, to add a title to your graph setht the title poperty.

// chart rendering options
var options = {
  stackSeries: true,
  title: 'Q1 Sales',
  seriesDefaults: {
  axes: {
    xaxis: {
      renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
      ticks: ticks

Another quick options you might consider enabling is the legend. You can position the location of the legend by using the following compass directions: nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w

// chart rendering options
var options = {
  stackSeries: true,
  title: 'Q1 Sales',
  legend: {
    show: true,
    location: 'ne'
  seriesDefaults: {
  axes: {
    xaxis: {
      renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
      ticks: ticks

You can further customize the label for each of your series by adding the series option object.

// chart rendering options
var options = {
  stackSeries: true,
  title: 'Q1 Sales',
  legend: {
    show: true,
    location: 'ne'
  series: [
    {label: 'Memberships'},
    {label: 'eBooks'},
    {label: 'Conference Tickets'},
    {label: 'Support'}
  seriesDefaults: {
  axes: {
    xaxis: {
      renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
      ticks: ticks
jqPlot Stacking Bar Graph

jqPlot Stacking Bar Graph

There is a lot more that can be done with jqPlot. As a jQuery plugin, jqPlot will easily fit into any web developer’s toolbox as the go to JavaScript charting library.

Jun 26 2012

Pure JavaScript Charting Library

Most business applications display some amount of data in charts and graphs. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a clean visual representation of business data is worth a lot more. Business charts can condense a lot of data points into a easy to understand graph.

Recently, I was tasked with updating the graph solution of a financial application with a HTML5 friendly charting tool or library. I looked at about half a dozen JavaScript chart libraries and eventually narrowed the selection down to two based on features and functionality: Google Charts and jQuery chart plugin jqPlot. Both Google Charts and jqPlot support a large number of chart types, from the basic bar and pie to more advance features such as multiple y-axis and and zoom. Both libraries support HTML5 graphics, the legacy chart solution I was to replace generated a pixelated image. Google Charts and jqPlot both draw the graph into div tag instead by using HTML5 graphics and don’t anti-aliasing issues.

For this particular project, we picked jqPlot over Google Charts for the following reasons. Google Charts is not open sourced and it uses a loading mechanism that requires you to be online to load the JavaScript source files from Google’s servers. This is great if you are always online, but the project owners wanted a HTML5 charting solution that works offline. jqPlot is a freely available open source JavaScript library which can be hosted alongside with the other application resources. jqPlot, like Google Charts, has a large number of chart types it supports including line, area, bubble, bar stacked, pyramid, pies, donuts, gauges, and much more.

jqPlot JavaScript Chart Library

jqPlot JavaScript Chart Library