Rounded Corners with CSS border-radius Property

Modern browsers have come a lone way since 2006. Back in 2006, Web 2.0 and AJAX was the hottest technologies for web developers (just like HTML5 and CSS3 is now) and rounded corners was one the coolest things you could do to a web page. Unfortunately, in 2006 the easiest way to have rounded corners in a HTML tag such as a div was to use JavaScript and images and all other sorts of hacks. Thankfully, most modern browsers (all but IE) support the CSS border-radius style which can be used to curve and round a corner.

Using border-radius
For the following examples, I’ll using the following CSS classes, which I hope are self explanatory.

.box {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

.red {
    background: red;

.orange {
    background: orange;

.green {
    background: green;

    background: purple;

The easiest use of border-radius is where all four corners have the same border curve radius. If all corners have the same curve radius all you need to supply is one px radius value.

<div class='box orange' style='border-radius: 20px;'></div>

In the examples provided in this tutorial, we fixed the width and height of the box div to be 100px. If we increase the border radius to 50px we can have a perfect circle.

<div class='box orange' style='border-radius: 50px;'></div>

What makes the border-radius property powerful is that you can set a different radius for each corner. Just enter four values, the first one will set the radius for the top-left corner, the second sets the top-right, then the bottom-right, and the bottom-left corner. If the value 0px is used, that corner will not have any curvature. The following HTML examples sets different border radius values for each corner generating a leaf looking shape.

<div class='box green' style='border-radius: 0px 60px 40px 60px;'></div>

Placing four similar div tags in place, you can create a four leaf clover shape or a circle.

<!-- four leaf clover -->
<div class='box red' style='border-radius: 50px 75px 0px 75px;'></div>
<div class='box orange' style='border-radius: 75px 50px 75px 0px;'></div>
<br style='clear:both' />
<div class='box green' style='border-radius: 75px 0px 75px 50px;'></div>
<div class='box purple' style='border-radius: 0px 75px 50px 75px;'></div>

<br style='clear:both' />

<!-- circle -->
<div class='box red' style='border-radius: 100px 0px 0px 0px;'></div>
<div class='box orange' style='border-radius: 0px 100px 0px 0px;'></div>
<br style='clear:both' />
<div class='box green' style='border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 100px;'></div>
<div class='box purple' style='border-radius: 0px 0px 100px 0px;'></div>

You can even nested rounded div tags to create a bullseye image.

Fun with CSS border-radius

Fun with CSS border-radius

As of this time, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox support border-radius.