ActsAsVoteable ============== Allows user to vote on the on models. == Resources Install * Run the following command: script/plugin install * Create a new rails migration and add the following self.up and self.down methods def self.up create_table "votes", :force => true do |t| t.column "vote", :boolean, :default => false t.column "created_at", :datetime, :null => false t.column "voteable_type", :string, :limit => 15, :default => "", :null => false t.column "voteable_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false t.column "user_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false end add_index "votes", ["user_id"], :name => "fk_votes_user" end def self.down drop_table :votes end == Usage * Make you ActiveRecord model act as voteable. class Model < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_voteable end == Credits Xelipe - This plugin is heavily influenced by Acts As Commentable. == More